He is standing sentry at my front door.
The mystery has moved from “how did you get here,” to “who the heck are you,” because this is obviously a case of reincarnation.
Awkwardly Uncomfortable Introverted Army Wife
He is standing sentry at my front door.
The mystery has moved from “how did you get here,” to “who the heck are you,” because this is obviously a case of reincarnation.
After talking with Justin for 30 minutes this morning, I headed into the bathroom to put my contacts in, with Xander hot on my tail.
“Mom!!! What is that!?”
Already my glasses are off, so who knows. “What is what??”
“That! On the floor!”
With contacts in, I look down. At a tan blob. “It’s just–oh!”
There was only one thing to do: FaceTime Justin again.
“Justin. Something happened to Bruce!
“Justin, I came into the bathroom to put my contacts in, and Bruce was laying on the bathroom floor–he’s turned into a toad!”
That is the most likely explanation I can come up with. The other options are:
1. An animal decided he should be inside, but since no one was foaming at the mouth, I don’t believe he was carried to his bathroom location.
2. He hopped there. I did have the back door open, so while this option is plausible, it’s pretty unlikely. The trip to the bathroom would’ve been a long, and possibly treacherous one.
3. He’s been subletting the bathroom, and this is the first time we’ve crossed paths. Again, possible, but unlikely.
It’s just a classic case of Bathroom Toad.
I’ve relocated him outside, but I fully expect him to be sitting on the couch when I get home from work–watching The Muppet Movie, and snacking on flies.
I dated his friend, which is how I came to meet Justin. Proof that the events in your life lead you to where you are meant to be. Justin was getting ready to leave for the Army. For 4 months, Justin was always there.
Then he left for the Army. My unhealthy relationship with his friend ended. Through it all, the thing that upset me the most was that I was losing my tie with Justin.
Then the summer of 2003 rolled around, and was a rough one for me. By the end of it, I had spiraled into a deep depression, and as much as I told myself I was strong and single, I was anything but. My ex reappeared in my life, and we entered right back into our unhealthy on again/off again nonsense.
The best thing that came from me falling back into bad habits: one night at a party, Justin called one of his buddies. When his phone was about to die, he gave Justin my number. Finally, my friendship with Justin was no longer dependent on my being in an unhealthy relationship.
Thus began the most epic friendship of all time. We talked on the phone every night, for 2 hours or more. You might not think much of it, but this was a pretty big deal, because I hate talking on the phone. The greatest thing to ever happen in my life is text messaging.
I loved him. We only said it to each other a million times a day. He would tell me I should just marry him, and I would tell him he was being silly–we never even dated!
I would even talk to his friends, and they would say things like, “why won’t you marry Justin!?” Giggles giggles giggles. Oh my goodness, I can’t marry him! He’s my best friend!
When Justin left for Ranger School, we talked for hours the night before he left. We said our good nights and hung up; he called me back and said, “I just wanted to tell you I love you.” Aww Justin, I love you too! I was getting my hair dyed at the time, and the girl who was doing it said, “oh my gosh Sam! That was so sweet!” Yeah yeah. He’s the sweetest.
For the next 9 weeks, he wrote to me every day. If you are unaware of Ranger School, the sleep deprivation is insane. There were letters that would start out legible and then …______ “I fell asleep writing to you last night.” Those letters are a window into sleep deprivation-induced insanity. The anticipation of receiving those letters was intense! At one point he said an instructor actually told him no guy ever wrote as many letters as he did.
I ended up in a very short-lived, weird relationship with a guy who was…gross. Low point. When Justin called me on his graduation day, and I had to tell him I was kind of with someone, I felt like I was cheating on him. It was so hard to tell him.
But Justin was coming home on leave! And in the summer of 2004, I spent every free moment with him. If I wasn’t at work or at school, I was with Justin. We drove up to Maine, and went to his family reunion. His cousin got crazy drunk and asked us why we weren’t dating. Um, because! Justin is my best friend! Do you know what happens when you date someone?! You break up! And then you never speak to each other again!
Around the time that Justin headed back to Fort Benning, I got a text from him: it was too hard to just be friends. He loved me, but he couldn’t do it anymore. I read it to my best girl friend, Tanya. “Sam, you have to kiss him.” That sounds like a terrifying idea. I was not even a little bit ready to lose my best friend, but honestly at this point, it looked like I was on the verge of losing him anyway.
He was not true to his word, and we got right back into talking for hours every night. I would fall asleep on the phone. He would fall asleep on the phone. Justin starting asking me to marry him once more, and once again, I started giggling at the idea. Oh Justin, you’re so silly.
In the Fall of 2004, Justin said, “you’re never going to come visit me,” which I instantly took as a challenge. I booked my flight–I would fly to Georgia, drive back to New York with Justin. And then 2 weeks later, I would drive back to Georgia, and then eventually fly home. And once again, Tanya said, “you have to kiss him.”
“If you never kiss him, you’ll never know if this could be more.” She was always right, and always offered the best advice.
So, I kissed him. And by March, I was asking him to marry me. I flew down to visit in April, and then in May he flew me down to be his date to a military ball–where I had a full on panic attack moments before he was supposed to be recognized for winning Ranger of the Quarter, or Superhero of the Century–I can’t remember which. Either way, he stayed with me while I unrealistically panicked over nothing.
When I got back to New York, I called him: “let’s get married when you’re home on leave.” He said sure (because “yes” is not in Justin’s vocabulary).
With the help of Tanya, I planned everything. And kept it a secret from everyone. Don’t even ask me why we were so set on eloping and telling no one–looking back, I’m sure we both had our reasons, but I’m sure they were all silly.
The morning of my baby sister’s high school graduation, Tanya came and picked up Justin and I. We were going out to breakfast with her, before she moved to Vegas: is what we told everyone. Really, we were driving 45 minutes away to get married in a city where no one knew our parents.
I love the story of us. I got to marry my best friend. Everyone should. Marry someone who wants to be with you every day. Marry someone who puts you before sleep. Marry someone who will call you back just to tell you he loves you. Marry your best friend.
My age naivety strikes again. Summer is upon us, which here means a drastic increase in single soldiers at work.
“…He asked me if I was talking to anyone, and I said no.”
You were literally talking to him and he asked if you were talking to anyone. Obviously my “talking to” is different than yours.
“Sam, are you talking to anyone?!”
“Ladies, I am sitting here talking to you right now!”
“NOOOOOOO! Sam! I saw you talking to Justin this morning!”
What is happening right now!? Why–why am I so old!?
I get it, I do. I’m not so old that I’m that confused (yet). And how is one supposed to differentiate between talking to, and “talking to.” And whatever happened to getting a talking to!? What was once a reprimand is now…I don’t even know what. Something that requires me to giggle and use an excessive amount of rapid-fire eyebrow raising.
Also, while we talk of the awkwardness that is me, my doctor is making me go for a mammogram today, which I’m not feeling on so many levels. First and foremost, I can’t wear deodorant?! Do you want to die?! If I see you before 9am, please turn quickly and RUN!!!
The chances of there being cancer in these boobs is pretty darn slim. For one, I breastfed for nearly 5 straight years. I reduce my friends‘ chances of getting breast cancer, simply by allowing them to breathe the same air as me! Maybe. Probably. I don’t know, but I’m surely not getting it.
Also, my nips may or may not be pierced–ok, they may. My Christmas present, because I’m weird. The every day reminder that my boobs are retired from nourishing babies. Forever. But (in my whiniest, complainy voice), I don’t want to take them out. Because if they’re a pain in my boobs to put back in, I’m going to be even whinier!
I’m only a little salty. And no, that’s not just the sweat.
…except sweat bees. They are the douchebags of the bee community.
An entire bee community, plagued by little guy syndrome.
I’m trying to be productive on my Mostly Day Off. I finally finished mowing my lawn, since my previous attempt was rained out, and prior to that, it had been…ok, so maybe some of it was knee high.
It happens.
In Kentucky.
Where it rained for a week straight. And I work too much. And my whole Coming Off Antidepressants has lead to a lot of couch slothing.
But yeah, it happens.
Besides, Justin isn’t here to judge me, so I can do what I want!
I mean…until housing leaves a note on my door that my back yard is not zoned as a Natural Zone, and I need to get my crappy together and mow that jungle.
I should get a job with the housing office–I could really bring a new voice to their “friendly reminders.”
Ok, so I googled it. And they don’t mean to be assholes.
Sorry sweat bee. I didn’t mean to scare you into stinging me when I squatted down and accidentally trapped you between my thigh and calf. It was an honest mistake.
In their defense, I’m a very sweaty girl. I’d probably hang out on me too, if I was attracted to sweat.
I’m irresistible.
To bees.
I’m irresistible to sweat bees. Get back to pollinating. I won’t squish any of your friends.